Non-Profit and Professional
Association Plaques

Increase Your Association’s Exposure and Credibility

Associations often measure success by membership engagement and dissemination of their mission. At Capitol Summit Plaques, we partner with organizations to increase their brand awareness through the development and sale of recognition plaques and awards.

We produce all products in-house, so you can be confident that all your membership plaques and tenure awards will be of the same high quality every time you order. You can either send us a list of members or donors that require plaques or you can have us manage your recognition award division free of charge.

As your business partner, we will design a customized e-commerce website for your organization to sell recognition plaques. At no cost to the association, Capitol Summit Plaques will create and manage your custom branded website. We can also support your e-commerce website with an email marketing campaign to help maximize this non-dues revenue stream.

Selling membership plaques and recognition awards will allow organizations to increase their brand awareness by having the members display their plaques in their offices rather than hiding their certificates in a desk drawer. In addition, members will enjoy instant credibility with their customers, knowing that they belong to your prestigious organization.

  • Membership
  • Article Reprints
  • Membership Recognition
  • Tenure Awards

For more information, view this video: